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PostgreSQL 2022 support

Post by matteu »


I can see Veeam support windows 2022 for VBR server.
I can see Veeam support only PostgreSQL 15.X
I can see PostgreSQL 15.X is only supporter on Windows 2016 + 2019

That means it's not supported to use Windows 2022 VBR server with PostgreSQL 15 right ?

I need to use Windows 2019 with postgreSQL 15 or is there an other solution ?

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Re: PostgreSQL 2022 support

Post by Mildur »

Hi Matteu

The page mentions that the "interactive installer" was tested for those versions. Not running the PostgreSQL version itself:
The installers are tested by EDB on the following platforms. They can generally be expected to run on other comparable versions, for example, desktop releases of Windows:
The deployment (using the installer) of PostgreSQL 15.* and Windows Server 2022 was tested hundred times in our labs and it works fine. We also have many customer using an all in one installation on Windows Server 2022.
But I understand your concerns about not having it officially supported/tested by PostgreSQL itself. If you want to have a supported environment, you can manually deploy PostgreSQL 15.* on Linux or a by the installer supported Windows version. Or use Windows Server 2019 until we are able to include PostgreSQL 16.* as the configuration database.

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Re: PostgreSQL 2022 support

Post by chris.childerhose »

PostgreSQL 15 will install on Win2022, as I have that in my HomeLab, and it works just fine. I have also deployed Ubuntu 22.04 servers with PostgreSQL 16 and tested that to work. Yes, PostgreSQL 16 is not "officially" supported yet, but it does work.
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Re: PostgreSQL 2022 support

Post by Gostev »

@matteu if you're asking about getting VBR support from Veeam, then you should only worry about Veeam's system requirements. You can use any Windows server version listed there for your backup server. Veeam uses many 3rd party components (PostgreSQL is just one of them) and they are all tested on all officially supported OS versions.
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Re: PostgreSQL 2022 support

Post by matteu » 1 person likes this post

Thanks all for your answer.

I'm not asking if it works, I know it will ^^ . I want to be sure it's supported and will not have any issue with Veeam support... It works is REALLY different than it's supported. You just need to live once unsupported setup with any support to know what I'm talking about :) (including Veeam).

As you mentioned @gostev, happy to know I can use PostgreSQL 15 on windows 2022 and I will not have any issue with Veeam support.
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