With BackupExec, the scripts would reside on the Guest(s) you wanted them on and execute there as well. I can seem to get the Pre & Post scripts to work that way with Veeam. The script in particular imports a powershell snap-in(on the guest) and executes a script. According to Veeam support(I opened a ticket), "With Veeam, you'll want the scripts on the Veeam Server. When it's specified to use scripts, the job will upload them to the VM to be run.". So I set it up accordingly. Migrated my scripts to the Veeam server and received the following error: Pre-job script terminated with exit code -262144.
Since Veeam doesn't toggle the archive bit on files, I need to write and clear a trigger file in Enterprise Vault for it to acknowledge our backup process.
Script to clear backups:
Code: Select all
type nul>"\\gccevault\f$\EVDATA\Archives\VSG01\MailboxVS01\Ptn1\ignorearchivebittrigger.txt"
REM clear backup mode on site
"C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -psconsolefile "f:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\EVShell.psc1" -command "& {clear-VaultStoreBackupMode -Name GCC -EVServerName gccevault1 -EVObjectType Site}"
REM clear backup mode on indexes in site
"C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -psconsolefile "f:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\EVShell.psc1" -command "& {clear-IndexLocationBackupMode -EVServerName gccevault1 -EVSiteName GCC}"
Code: Select all
del "\\gccevault\EVDATA\Archives\VSG01\MailboxVS01\Ptn1\ignorearchivebittrigger.old"
REM Set backup mode on site
"C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -psconsolefile "f:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\EVShell.psc1" -command "& {Set-VaultStoreBackupMode -Name GCC -EVServerName gccevault1 -EVObjectType Site}"
REM Set backup mode on indexes in site
"C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -psconsolefile "f:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\EVShell.psc1" -command "& {Set-IndexLocationBackupMode -EVServerName gccevault1 -EVSiteName GCC}"
Any help would be greatly appreciated!