We have had a daily backup copy job running almost a year now.
But suddenly there is a problem with to of the servers in it. We haven't changed the firewall or some other internet settings lately.
We have tried to reboot both of the servers and the backup server itself without any luck.
The error message we get is "
Incremental copy was not processed during the copy interval"
and a strange thing is that the starting time is after the End time.
a strange thing is that the starting time is after the End time.
Not sure what you mean, does it show wrong time in stats? If so then have you done any time settings changes recently? Also I'd like to ask you how big was the latest incremental backup in comparison to the previous one and those that took place a year ago? I suspect that your backup have grown big enough so they just cannot be transferred within one sync interval.
Thank you for your quick reply.
Here is some details.
The job has been runned daily the last year. And there haven't been any time settings changes recently.
The start time: '00:11:03' and the End time: '00:00:31 (+1)'
The Processed, Read, Transferred fields are all 0,0KB.
On all the successed job the end time is after the start time, and the Processed, Read, Transferred fields are al more than zero.
The biggest Read value is 1.3 GB and the Biggest Transfered value is 540 MB.
The start time: '00:11:03' and the End time: '00:00:31 (+1)'
That could happen if the job had been running for longer than 24 hours, i.e. it started at 00:11:03 yesterday and finished at 00:00:31 today. +1 means another date (+1 day). Is that the case?
The Processed, Read, Transferred fields are all 0,0KB.
In case the source job had produced a new incremental backup but the backup did not transfer it, I suggest you to contact support team so they can take a closer look at your setup. Please don't forget to post your case ID.