Its an older verzion of Veeam B & R, (6.5.0 144), upgrading is not an option at this moment.
VMWare cluster with backup servers
VMWare cluster with prod servers
proxy vm in cluster with prod servers
Storage is netapp with nfs datatsores
I have reviewed
If the Veeam Proxy being used to process the source VM is on a VMFS 3 datastore it must be formatted with proper block size to be able to mount the largest virtual disk of the hot added VMs.
o 1MB block size – 256GB maximum file size
o 2MB block size – 512GB maximum file size
o 4MB block size – 1024GB maximum file size
o 8MB block size – 2048GB maximum file sizeThe Proxy being used to back up the VM must be a Virtual Machine on a host that is able to access the datastore where the source VM’s disks are stored.
largest disk is 200gb
In versions 5.1 and older of vSphere, the maximum supported VMDK size is 1.98 TB.
Not an issue
The disks that are to be hotadd must be SCSI. IDE drives are not compatible with hotadd.
all disks are scsi
VMware Tools must be installed and up-to-date on the Veeam server and any Veeam proxies
Datastore needs sufficient space for a VM snapshot
snapshots can be created
Known issues are not effective.
Test to see if the disk of the VM to be backed up can be manually hotadded to the proxy. See:
Checked, this works
Check all Veeam Proxies for old hotadded disks and release them manually. See:
Checked, no old disks
Disable automount on the backup proxy, as documented in
From the backup log i get the following information :
Code: Select all
[25.08.2015 16:30:02] <07> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:01.942+02:00 [01440 info 'Default'] Establishing NFC connection to host xxx.domain.local on port 902, service vpxa-nfc\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:02] <07> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:02.504+02:00 [01440 info 'transport'] Established NFC session for metadata and disk signature access.\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:04] <07> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:04.032+02:00 [01440 info 'Default'] Establishing NFC connection to host xxx.domain.local on port 902, service vpxa-nfc\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:04] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:04.703+02:00 [01440 verbose 'transport'] Mounting VM vim.VirtualMachine:vm-183058 using transport hotadd failed : Could not open disk for disk signature retrieval..\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:06] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:05.951+02:00 [01440 verbose 'transport'] Cannot use mode hotadd to access [datastore_001] bck0000tst01/bck0000tst01.vmdk: Cannot mount using this method.\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:06] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:05.967+02:00 [01440 info 'transport'] Creating mount directory C:\Windows\TEMP\VeeamBackup\VeeamAgent-336\vmware-SYSTEM\42335bc5-97b0-6ecb-799f-0bdf4209027f-vm-183058\nbd.\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:06] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:05.998+02:00 [01440 info 'transport'] Starting to write unmount info.\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:06] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:06.029+02:00 [01440 verbose 'transport'] Found a device: vim.vm.device.VirtualIDEController\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:06] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:06.029+02:00 [01440 verbose 'transport'] Found a device: vim.vm.device.VirtualIDEController\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:06] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:06.045+02:00 [01440 verbose 'transport'] Found a device: vim.vm.device.VirtualPS2Controller\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:06] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:06.061+02:00 [01440 verbose 'transport'] Found a device: vim.vm.device.VirtualPCIController\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:06] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:06.061+02:00 [01440 verbose 'transport'] Found a device: vim.vm.device.VirtualSIOController\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:06] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:06.061+02:00 [01440 verbose 'transport'] Found a device: vim.vm.device.VirtualKeyboard\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:06] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:06.076+02:00 [01440 verbose 'transport'] Found a device: vim.vm.device.VirtualPointingDevice\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:06] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:06.092+02:00 [01440 verbose 'transport'] Found a device: vim.vm.device.VirtualVideoCard\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:06] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:06.107+02:00 [01440 verbose 'transport'] Found a device: vim.vm.device.VirtualVMCIDevice\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:06] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:06.107+02:00 [01440 verbose 'transport'] Found a device: vim.vm.device.VirtualLsiLogicSASController\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:06] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:06.123+02:00 [01440 verbose 'transport'] Found a device: vim.vm.device.VirtualFloppy\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:06] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:06.123+02:00 [01440 verbose 'transport'] Found a device: vim.vm.device.VirtualCdrom\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:06] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:06.139+02:00 [01440 verbose 'transport'] Found a device: vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:06] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:06.154+02:00 [01440 verbose 'transport'] Found a device: vim.vm.device.VirtualVmxnet3\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:06] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:06.154+02:00 [01440 verbose 'transport'] Found a device: vim.vm.device.VirtualVmxnet3\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:06] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:06.185+02:00 [01440 info 'transport'] Mount operation obtained backup info.\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:06] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:06.185+02:00 [01440 info 'transport'] Successfully mounted snapshot ssid:snapshot-183059 on mount point C:\Windows\TEMP\VeeamBackup\VeeamAgent-336\vmware-SYSTEM\42335bc5-97b0-6ecb-799f-0bdf4209027f-vm-183058\nbd\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:06] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: 2015-08-25T16:30:06.232+02:00 [01440 verbose 'transport'] Got credentials to access disk [datastore_001] bck0000tst01/bck0000tst01.vmdk using mode nbd.\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:08] <11> Info [AP] (d453) output: --wn:Hot add is not supported for this disk, failing over to network mode...\n
[25.08.2015 16:30:08] <11> Info [AP] (d453) warning: Hot add is not supported for this disk, failing over to network mode...
[25.08.2015 16:30:08] <11> Info Hot add is not supported for this disk, failing over to network mode...
[25.08.2015 16:30:08] <11> Info Hot add is not supported for this disk, failing over to network mode...\n
Mounting VM vim.VirtualMachine:vm-183058 using transport hotadd failed : Could not open disk for disk signature retrieval..\n
I haven't been able to find any information on this problem.
any suggestions ?