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Problems/questions with backup copy offsite.

Post by robg »

Hello. I am trying to create an offsite backup of a VM from an existing backup.

The problem is that the target repository offsite doesn't seem to be populating completely, or it's only transmitting the last piece of the chain. This would make it useless in the event that the main environment was lost and I had to restore from the offsite copy.

Is there something I could be missing? Also I should point out that the VM is too large for the copy interval (first run) due to bandwidth. I got a warning that said "initial copy did not complete, and will resume on the next copy interval." It did run again and "complete" - but what ended up in the remote repository is way too small for a full restore.

I have just started a restore on the remote host to verify, and it is actually restoring from the main repository, over the network at 1MB/s, this should not be happening. I told it to use the offsite repository, but it must know that it's incomplete so it's actually restoring from the main one.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or help.

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Re: Problems/questions with backup copy offsite.

Post by robg »

Maybe I should set the "copy every" parameter to 100 days just so that it guarantees to finish on the first run, and then set it back to 1 day?
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Re: Problems/questions with backup copy offsite.

Post by robg »

I would like some help with the above, please. From what I gather, the Backup Copy feature doesn't work the way it is supposed to.
The backup copy job completed in 2 days, and it is roughly half the size that it should be.

It does not create a new backup chain at the remote site, which would allow for a total restoration of the VM, it only copies the latest snapshot.

Any ideas?
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