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Proper way to backup Exchange DAG

Post by ithelp345 »

I was reading over the manual about backing up an Exchange DAG because we are going to be upgrading to Exchange 2019 and setting up an IP-Less DAG compared to our current IP DAG. We currently do a server backup of one of our DAG members and not a Failover cluster type backup. With an IP-Less DAG I see that we need to add all DAG members to the job as a Protected Group.
We currently have the Veeam agent installed on just the one DAG member. To do a Protected group, does the agent need to be installed on all servers? We are using the Community Edition so having to install the agent on all servers will not be possible due to the licensing limitation so I want to see how to proceed.
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Re: Proper way to backup Exchange DAG

Post by wesmrt »


You must install the Veeam AGent in all DAG Members with IP-Less DAG.
We have this requirement described here: ... ml?ver=120

"An IP less DAG does not have an Administrative Access Point. As a result, you must add all servers of an IP less DAG to the protection group manually. If a set of servers included in an IP less DAG changes between the job runs, you must update the backup scope manually as well. Otherwise, Veeam Agent will still back up all database files from all servers included into backup scope, but Microsoft Exchange Server will detect data inconsistency and skip the database processing."
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