when veeam creates a snapshot for backups/replication, then it does it by doing API-calls to vcenter/vsphere and the hypervisor then creates the snapshot on the vm. I doubt if it's the same for those long-term-retentions for CDP replicas.
I'd like to get some details about that process, is it something that gets "generated" or written by the CDP proxy or is it indeed somthing purely done by the hypervisor through API-calls? The reason I'm asking is that I'm having a strange situation where it (creation of those points) could last between seconds and minutes and I wannt to know which component I have to monitor during the creating. Of course, I know, the way is to open a ticket, but it's never wrong to first check your environment first Also I love to dig a bit deeper by understanding how it works
Well... Creating long-term restore points normally takes seconds, but it also could take minutes and sometimes it reaches a timeout and fails. Which component do I have to investigate? Is that long-term-restore point just a normal snapshot on the hypervisor-vm or is that something veeam-specific that is being generated by the cdp proxy? Let me know if you need further details. Thanks!
The CDP replication for long term restore points works similar to short term restore points.
Two steps are added to the process:
- application-aware image processing inside the guest os VM (if enabled in the CDP policy)
- creating a delta disk on the target datastore using data from the short term restore points since the last long-term restore point.
I would check the Guest helper log inside your VMs (https://www.veeam.com/kb1789) and the state of your VSS writers. It's possible that your VM has a high transactional application (MSSQL?) and they have timed out while creating a VSS snapshot of your applications.
If that doesn't help, please open a case with our customer support team.