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Matts N
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Question regarding logic behind restore points

Post by Matts N »

I have two questions, hopefully someone can answer. :D

Questions relate to behaviour in version 10a (build

1) When the only option for retention was restore points, the logic was that to delete data from VM's no longer in the job, one had to configure "Remove deleted items data after X days". Does this logic still apply if I choose days instead of restore points for retention? To me, using days implies to me that any data older than X days will be removed, but it doesn't seem to work that way.

2) We have configured a backup job with retention 30 days. However, under "Backups -> Disk" we only see 29 restore points. Bug or feature? That is, is there something I don't understand happening here?


// Matts
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Re: Question regarding logic behind restore points

Post by foggy »

1) Could you please describe your job settings and what are you seeing in a bit more detail so we could advise whether the observed behavior is expected? Do you have per-VM backup chains setting enabled on the repository? Job retention refers to the restore points in the chain while the deleted VMs retention has a separate value and controls how long the data should be kept in the backup after the VM has been deleted or stopped to be processed and doesn't depend on the actual retention. You can keep a month worth of backups but willing to remove the deleted VMs data after two weeks.
2) When the job has first started?
Matts N
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Re: Question regarding logic behind restore points

Post by Matts N »

Hello foggy,
1) Is a general question that popped up during a discussion. There is no problem here, I just wish to know if the behaviour with regards to "old" backup data is the same for both retention variants or if "restore points" behaves differently from "days". That is, do we need to configure ""Remove deleted items data after X days" when we use days for retention policy?

2) Think I need to look deeper into this in the environment, we are close to the retention settings in number of days, not sure we have actually passed it yet.
Veeam Software
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Re: Question regarding logic behind restore points

Post by foggy »

1) The behavior of the deleted VMs retention is similar to within the difference between the retention types. Whether you need to configure it or not shouldn't depend on the type of retention you're using but on the actual requirements for reusing the space occupied by blocks belonging to deleted VMs, for example.
2) Yep, that was my initial thought.
Matts N
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Re: Question regarding logic behind restore points

Post by Matts N »

How similar are they? Similar to me implies they do almost the same thing, but not exactly. What are the differences?
Veeam Software
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Re: Question regarding logic behind restore points

Post by foggy »

There are actually no differences, I should have said 'same' instead. Sorry for confusion.
Matts N
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Re: Question regarding logic behind restore points

Post by Matts N »

No worries, thanks for the update! :)
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