I'm confused reading the documentation for replication, so I thought I'd post here.
CaseID = 00680684
We want to replicate some data from Site 1 to Site 2. We have been doing this at the SAN level (Equallogic) but as we're replacing the Equallogic with a Nimble in Site 2, this is no longer an option, so switching to Veeam.
Background info:
Site 1 and 2 have a 30Mbps link between them, a few hundred miles apart.
Veeam is on version 7.0.871 in both sites
What we have:
In Site 1, we have a regular nightly backup of our file server, using reversed incremental. I copied the Veeam backup to an external hard disk, shipped it to Site 2, then imported it in to the Veeam backup repository on Site 2. I then restored it on Site 2, and added suffix "_Replica"
I tried creating a replication job on Site 1, with the following settings:
Destination: Cluster on Site 2
Datastore: a datastore on Site 2 (not same datastore I imported backups too)
Network: remapped VLAN's to match
Source and target proxy are autodetected
Repository for replica metadata is a repository at Site 1
Changed storage optimizations to WAN target
On Seeding, under "initial seeding", I expected to see the repositories in Site2 listed, but I only see repositories in Site 1. So I selected the store in Site1 that the original backup resides
For Replica Mapping, I enabled this and selected my original file server from site 1, and the restored backup at site 2
When I ran the job, it took 7.5 hours to calculate the digest for the first 55GB hard drive (OS drive), then 16 minutes for "Hard disk 1 55.0GB 54.1GB Read at 50MB/s [CBT]"
Next hard drive is 1 TB, it took 93 hours to calculate digest, but on the next step it failed after about 9 hours saying it read 94.1GB of 1.0TB at 3MB/s.
Code: Select all
Error was: 11/16/2014 8:24:46 PM :: Error: Client error: Failed to open VDDK disk [[GRNimble1] BU-SRV-FS01_replicated/BU-SRV-FS01_1-000002.vmdk] ( is read-only mode - [false] )
Failed to open VMDK.
Logon attempt with parameters [VC/ESX: [grsrv-vcenter0];Port: 443;Login: [****];VMX Spec: [moref=vm-22297];Snapshot mor: [snapshot-22357];Transports: [nbd];Read Only: [false]] failed because of the following errors:
Failed to process [srcReplicateVddkDiskContent] command.
An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
Whole log file here:
[EDIT] log has been removed by moderator