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Full Name: wael nady

"Rescan repository"

Post by wael.nady »

the cloud Repository always fail (every 2, 3 days in many locations that i've) and i've to scan it to get it working
can we have automatic scan to avoid the manually scan it

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Re: "Rescan repository"

Post by foggy »

Actually there're periodic automatic rescans in Veeam B&R, so I recommend to contact technical support for a closer look at the issue. You could also contact the cloud provider with this, since the issue might be on their side. Thanks.
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Re: "Rescan repository"

Post by veremin »

The corresponding SP can be rescanned in automatic fashion, just use the following script:

Code: Select all

Asnp VeeamPSSnapin
Get-VBRCloudProvider -Name "Name of service provider" | Rescan-VBREntity
Though, I'm wondering whether you have a support ticket opened for this matter. If so, kindly, share its number here, as we'd like to take a closer look at the described problem.

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Re: "Rescan repository"

Post by wael.nady »

thanks for the reply, wasn't sure there was a PS for Veeam. i don't have case for that now.
just want to know how to schedule this script script.ps1 if Veeam can run it as part of a schedule or before the copy task begin?
also what would happen if i ran this script while copy task is running , would that interrupt the current task?
PN: i'm running Veeam cloud connect on the Data-center server as Service Provider
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Re: "Rescan repository"

Post by veremin »

just want to know how to schedule this script script.ps1 if Veeam can run it as part of a schedule or before the copy task begin?
You can either schedule it via Windows Scheduler or set it as pre-job activity.
also what would happen if i ran this script while copy task is running , would that interrupt the current task?
Rescan process should not break anything.

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[MERGED] Automatic rescan repository before backup copy job

Post by frankive »

Sometime our service provider gets an error which is only resolved that we rescan the repository.
When we are starting to get a lot of client this is very time consuming for us.
Is it possible to f.ex create a script that rescans the repository before the backup copy job is started?
Veeam Software
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Full Name: Alexander Fogelson

Re: "Rescan repository"

Post by foggy »

Hi Frank, yes, this is possible, see above.
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