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Restore data from non-retained .vrb files

Post by tevans8 »

Re: Ticket 00177225

I was told by support that the forum may be the best place to communicate this issue.

I have a backup chain with a retention of 30 days. This chain also has 4 .vrb recovery points in addition to the 30 that I assume the cleanup function missed. These 4 points are from different times (Jun, Sept, and Dec) and are not consecutive. When I import using the .vbm, I do not see 34 points, but I see the retained 30. When I import using the .vbk, I see all 34 points. I get a mount socket error though when I try to use Windows file restore for the 4 older points. When I use the restore VM files option, I can restore the .vmx file. However, I cannot restore the .vmdk without error (Block offset in source file differs from the current write position in target file.).

Is there a way to manipulate the .xml in the .vbk metadata (as I understand it from support - there is an .xml in the .vbk)? Can we force data hydration? Support communicated that points outside of the retention time in the .vbk cannot be restored. Is there a way around?

I am wondering what are the actual limitations to getting data out of these points since the vbm and vbk differ and the .vmx was restored. This appears to be a unique situation, and I would appreciate any help in the matter. Thanks!
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Re: Restore data from non-retained .vrb files

Post by veremin »

Unfortunately, it’s not possible.

In case of reversed incremental mode during first run the full backup is created. All subsequent backups are incremental - only those data blocks that have changed since the last job run are being copied. During incremental backup, Veeam Backup & Replication “injects” changes into the .vbk file to rebuild it to the most recent state of a VM. It also creates a reversed incremental backup file (.vrb) containing data blocks that are replaced when the full backup file is rebuilt.

If you’re willing to restore a VM to a particular point in time, related .vrb files will be applied to the .vbk file to get you to the required point in time.
So, based on the abovementioned points, there is strong dependence that has been broken in your particular case by losing a variety of intermediate points. Thus, you won’t be able to restore from vbk-files that lie outside retention policy.

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Re: Restore data from non-retained .vrb files

Post by 9krystian »


I want to go back to this topic. Right now, is any possibility to pull out some data from non-retained (uchained) .vrb files (old unchained backups) ? I would appreciate any help.
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Re: Restore data from non-retained .vrb files

Post by veremin »

I doubt that, since as far as I understood the base .vbk file those .vrbs depend on is not present. Thanks.
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