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Restore performance

Post by masonit »


When doing entire VM restore from latest backupdata and from a backup job with 20 restore points. What backup method is prefered for best performance? Reverse inc och forward inc forever?

Logic says reverse inc is faster but how big is the difference? Maybe when doing restore from forward inc forever more restore threads are open and that is always good..

All backup data is on disk.

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Re: Restore performance

Post by PTide »

Reverse inc och forward inc forever? Logic says reverse inc is faster but how big is the difference?
That depends. let's say we have two chains - forward-forever and reverse, each chain's length equals N. The bigger gets N the bigger will be the difference between reverse and forward during restores. Also the forever-forward restore speed is affected by the amount of incremental files that has to be read to collect all required datablocks. Also please note that that forward incremental mode will be 3x less stressful for your target storage.

Thank you.
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