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Restore Point Size

Post by Kevin_TAN »

We're currently replicating to a local ESX host, planning to move the target ESX host to another location and replicate across the WAN link. In order to properly size the WAN link we need to know our approximate change rate. When upgrading to 5.0.1, I noticed that release notes indicate that the change rate per VM is now included with the Replica properties. I've been able to monitor this "Restore Point Size" for each vrb via the console which is great! My question is can we access this data via PowerShell? I haven't been able to find a cmdlet that would retrieve that info. Is there an update to the Get-VBRRestorePoint cmdlet?


Vitaliy S.
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Re: Restore Point Size

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Hello Kevin,

Yes, you can retrieve the VRB size info by means of Get-VBRRestorePoint cmdlet which has a property called ApproxSize.

On top of that, please note that VRB file is already compressed and deduped, so you'd better look at Data Size number if you want to approximate your change rate. For more info, please check out this link: Data Size and Restore Point Size Explanation

Thank you!
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Re: Restore Point Size

Post by Kevin_TAN »

ApproxSize seems to return the size of entire VM not just the VRB size.

PS C:\> Get-VBRReplica |Get-VBRRestorePoint|where {$_.VMName -eq "KJ 2008-2 VAN-EX1"} |ft VMName,CreationTime,ApproxSize

VmName CreationTime ApproxSize
------ ------------ ----------
KJ 2008-2 VAN-EX1 2/17/2011 6:09:13 AM 85899345920
KJ 2008-2 VAN-EX1 2/17/2011 7:09:25 AM 85899345920
KJ 2008-2 VAN-EX1 2/17/2011 8:09:29 AM 85899345920
KJ 2008-2 VAN-EX1 2/17/2011 9:09:49 AM 85899345920
KJ 2008-2 VAN-EX1 2/17/2011 10:10:01 AM 85899345920
KJ 2008-2 VAN-EX1 2/17/2011 11:10:15 AM 85899345920
KJ 2008-2 VAN-EX1 2/17/2011 12:10:31 PM 85899345920

Is there any way to access Data Size via PowerShell?


Vitaliy S.
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Re: Restore Point Size

Post by Vitaliy S. »


In fact, ApproxSize returns the size of the entire storage. If you need to get a Data Size property, then you can use a GetStorage() method which returns all parameters that can be seen within the GUI for both replicas and backups.

Here is the example of such cmdlet:

Code: Select all

$r = Get-VBRBackup | Get-VBRRestorePoint
Hope it helps!
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VEEAM Replication Information/Reporting

Post by 1-0-1 »

[merged into existing discussion]

Asides the VEEAM Replication e-mail notification and VEEAM Replication Console information - is there a way to run a powershell script or any other method to consolidate replication data (e.g. data size replicated, duration, job name, etc).

The e-mail notification, for instance always gives the same size the total size and processed size is always the same which is the same size of the VM. This obviously leaves a big information gap as to how much data was send over the wire actually. The session window in the VEEAM console also is the same like the HTML e-mail report. The only other way I can get this information is from going to the replicas section and then drill down to the properties of the job. In our case all our replication jobs are being handled as one job per VM. So for a replication job I would see, on the HTML report, for instance the following info:

Start time: 5/9/2011 12:47:34 AM
End time: 5/9/2011 1:17:45 AM
Duration: 0:30:11
Total size: 60.02 GB
Processed size: 60.02 GB
Processing rate: 34 MB/s

But now I need to go to he VEEAM console on the properties of the respective job to get the size based on the following:

Name: 2011-05-09T004824.vrb
Date: 5/9/2011 12:49:09 AM
Data Size: 940.76 MB
Restore Point Size: 237.18 MB
Status: OK

I would then assume that the data size amount of data that was replicated over the WAN link to be 940.76 MB and the restore point size is the actual data size that lies on remote site datastore after it has been duplicated and compressed of 237.18MB. Does this mean 237 MB went over the wire or 940 MB? This is where I would love to know if there is a way to get a consolidated report from VEEAM via e.g. powershell.
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Re: Restore Point Size

Post by 1-0-1 »

Both the PS commands only give me a long number. Still trying to make sense on how to parse the commands correctly so I can get data sizes for my replication jobs. The get-help option is pretty slim :(

What I am trying to achieve is to basically have time and date, data replicated, processing rate, status, etc accessible via powershell instead of getting all the bits and pieces from the VEEAM console. I am still little bit confused on the Data Size and Restore Point Size fields. Which is the working size one can use to see that moved over the network?
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Restore Point Size

Post by Vitaliy S. »


Have you had a chance to review my answer to Kevin's original post regarding Data Size and Restore Point Size?

As for the script example let me consult with our PowerShell expert. I will update this thread as soon as I have more info.
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Re: Restore Point Size

Post by 1-0-1 »

Yes I did but it did not make me any wiser in regards to the actual data that was send over the network.
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Re: Restore Point Size

Post by Gostev »

1-0-1 wrote:the actual data that was send over the network.
This information is simply not available anywhere in our database.
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Re: Restore Point Size

Post by 1-0-1 »

In that case is there any suggestions how we can do capacity planning with VEEAM in terms of actually knowing how much data is being transfered with every job over our network? We currently going through a POC with Riverbed devices and the Engineer wants to know how much data VEEAM send over the wire so he can verify it with his data - does this mean I will have to tell him i cannot provide that information directly from VEEAM?
Alexey D.

Re: Restore Point Size

Post by Alexey D. »

Bernd, there is no such a functionality built in the product. A workaround which comes to my mind is to use any network monitoring tool (such as tcpdump) to measure that amount of data.
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Re: Restore Point Size

Post by 1-0-1 »

Will look into tcpdump (or winddump). So it would be wrong to assume that the Restore Point Size is the amount of data transfered over the network by VEEAM as I assume compression and de-duplication happens on the VEEAM server at source before it gets past to the remote site/datastore.
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