I just restored a WIN2008 VM towards my environment. (was succesfull)
But after I powered on the VM, it will always boot in the recovery mode option and I can see it selects drive "D:".
That is not correct as it should be drive letter "C:"
Why is this happening? I tried to change it in registery under HKLM-SYSTEM-MOUNTEDDEVICES but when I reboot it just revert back to drive D:
Another good test would be to try to perform backup again and try to restore it - to see if the problem is persistent. Then do it with some other VM to understand if the problem is specific to this VM only. Is it clean OS install? Anything special about disk configuration (both inside of the guest OS like dynamic disks, or in the VM settings)? We would be interested to investigate this, since we never had this this behavior observed or reported before.
No nothing special. Just a C: driver where clean win 2008 R2 is installed.
The disk is a MBR - BASIC disk.
Tried 3 times and nothing worked.
Now I am trying to restore another machine (I just delete the networkadaptor because I don't want the same name/IP on the domain)
RESTORE worked for another VM.
I failed to restore the test vm, I tried 3 times from different backups (date)
Hmm, this is interesting issue and I have no explanation for this Windows behavior at the moment. If you would like to nail down the issue with the failing VM, please open a support call with us, and we will have developers take a look at this.
Please open a support call with us, and we will have developers take a look at this. For previously mentioned support case, the customer was unable to reproduce the issue for us, it appears to be working fine now. So we are not sure what the issue was.
I have the same symptoms on one of my sites.
This is also Windows 2008 R2 Sp1.
I am not trying to restore the whole VM, just some files using the "Restore Guest Files (Windows)" option.
I right click on the backup and select this option.
When It come up with the Backup Browser, it shows 2 drives.
1. System Reserved (c:\)
2. System (d:\)
The 2nd drive (D:\) is actually the C drive and the actual "D" drive is not shown.
This is on version (64 bit).
This has got bug written all over it and the worst thing is that customer won't know they can't restore until they need to as no errors are logged in the backups.
Quick update.
I have installed 5.0.2 and can now access al drives, but still has named them wrong as the "System Reserved" is still taking drive c.
Actual C is shown as D.
Actual D is shown as E.
Maybe I am doing something wrong but when trying to restore a guest file (Windows) it mixes up the drives. The system volume becomes C: drive, the C: drive becomes the D: drive
and so on. The problem only occurs when W2008 Srv. R2 is installed on the VM. I am using B&R 6.1 with patch 1. Anyone seen this before?
Yes, this behavior is documented in the Release Notes document included with your download, and is known since v1. The good news is, we have addressed this in 6.5 (system volume is auto-skipped), so at least C: and D: should now match actual drives. However, FLR process still does not have any insight into the OS settings, so if you name some drives manually (instead letting them be named sequentially by OS), you will still not see correct drive names in the FLR browser.