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Restoring Exchange Mailbox, Inbox and subfolders?

Post by cerberus »


i want to restore a Microsoft Exchange 2013 mailbox which is backed up by Veeam, when I am inside Veeam Explorer for Microsoft Exchange and I drill down to the correct exchange database and find the user's mailbox, expand it and select Inbox to be restored directly to the live mailbox; does this restore process only the top level Inbox folder and its mail items or Inbox + all of its sub-folders?

Ideally I am looking to restore the Inbox + any sub-folders under Inbox, what is the default behavior?

I assume right clicking Inbox and restoring to live mailbox is going to do the sub-folders too.. since if you wanted item level restore you could select the messages within the folder.. but I wanted to get some confirmation.

I have an issue where a user created a Search Folder and deleted all mail items from the search folder; which in turn deleted all the messages from various folders under the Inbox. It would be very time consuming to move each message from the Deleted Items back into their place under the Inbox. So I was hoping with Veeam I could restore the Inbox (and its sub-folders), which would restore the deleted messages?

Also messages restored from Veeam back into a mailbox, by default do they come back as "Unread"?

Thank you.
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Re: Restoring Exchange Mailbox, Inbox and subfolders?

Post by cerberus » 2 people like this post

To answer my own question, I went ahead and did this.

The inbox and sub-folders were restored, only items that were missing in the Live mailbox were restored from the backup as Unread.

Coming from someone that had to deal with Microsoft Disaster Protection Manager to do restores and how PAINFUL it was to restore Exchange mailboxes, Veeam is amazing.
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