One of the scenarios we use, is to restore VMs from a backup into a new resource pool to enable Devs to do some Dev-ing without upsetting our working environments. We are noticing that these restores are being created with memory limits active:
Although we don't run memory limits within each VM, I've noticd that the sched.mem.max setting is present in the *.vmx files:
Code: Select all
sched.mem.max = "768"
I'm assuming that Veeam sees this value as being set in the VMX file and presumes that we want any restore of that VM to have a memory limit and sets a flag somewhere to tell ESX to use the memory limit.
We are currently having to go through and manually remove all of the memory limits after restoring an environment (50+ servers) which takes time, and sometimes gets missed - causing more issues. Is there a way to restore a VM through Veeam without this memory limit being set on the newly created VM?