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Full Name: Alan Eden

Restoring VMs with Memory Limits

Post by Alan_Eden »

We've been using Veeam successfully for a number of months now, enjoying the luxury of being able to reliably backup over 900 VMs as required.

One of the scenarios we use, is to restore VMs from a backup into a new resource pool to enable Devs to do some Dev-ing without upsetting our working environments. We are noticing that these restores are being created with memory limits active:

Although we don't run memory limits within each VM, I've noticd that the sched.mem.max setting is present in the *.vmx files:

Code: Select all

sched.mem.max = "768"
When a new VM is created from this backup, Veeam restores the .vmx files sets a memory limit on the newly created VM to the value of the sched.mem.max in the vmx file.

I'm assuming that Veeam sees this value as being set in the VMX file and presumes that we want any restore of that VM to have a memory limit and sets a flag somewhere to tell ESX to use the memory limit.

We are currently having to go through and manually remove all of the memory limits after restoring an environment (50+ servers) which takes time, and sometimes gets missed - causing more issues. Is there a way to restore a VM through Veeam without this memory limit being set on the newly created VM?

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Re: Restoring VMs with Memory Limits

Post by Gostev »

Hello Alan, right now our product restores VMX file intact (as it was on the source VM). We were assuming that in most cases our customers will be restoring your VM to the same location (overwriting original VM), so it makes sense to restore all the settings (in fact, it would cause big problems if we did not restore those original settings).

But I understand your use case and requirement perfectly. We are planning on adding some customization options to the Restore wizard down the road, and this is something we could definitely include (options to strip custom limits/reservation settings). Thank you for your feedback!
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