I am running Community Edition. All hosts are Windows Servers 2019 or Windows 10 - all with latest patches.
I am running 3 types of backup Jobs, all storing to the same VEEAM Server repository:
Windows Agent (for a physical server)
Windows Agent Policy (for a laptop)
The Hyper-V Backup Job seems to be keeping the correct number of backups. However, the 2 Agent-based Backup Jobs seem to be ignoring retention settings - each in their own charming, unique way:
Windows Agent: Set to "Restore points to keep on disk: 8", however de facto there are 12. The backup runs 4 nights a week. It looks like perhaps the last 14 calendar days of backups are saved.
Windows Agent Policy: Set to "Keep backups for the past 14 days when the computer was running", but backups are being kept for over a month. The laptop is always on and always connected to the LAN at night when the backup job runs. It's set to backup every Sunday early morning at 03:00. It seems to be retaining for about a month and a half.
Regarding your Agent job... Are you doing any synthetic/active fulls with it? If so, that might explain why you don't see the number of restore points you expect. Disable fulls and do incremental forever if you want the number to be correct.
Derek's insight is good - periodic fulls might easily explain such behaviour. If that's not the case, then kindly contact our support team so they can investigate, and post your case ID.
Windows Agent (for physical server):
Storage: Restore points to keep on disk: 8
Advanced Settings:
Creative synthetic backups: Every Saturday
Active Full Backup: First Monday of each month
Perform backup files health check: Last Friday of each month
Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Windows Agent Policy (for physical laptop):
Storage: Keep backups for the past 14 days when computer is running
Advanced Settings:
Creative synthetic backups: Every Saturday
Active Full Backup: First Monday of each month
Perform backup files health check: Last Friday of each month
Schedule: Saturday
Does this explain anything? The whole reason I was checking on the files was because the backup disk was filling up, and reducing the retention period didn't seem to help.
Kindly check this article on how retention works if there are full backups (either active or synthetic) in the chain. Although it is about VBR the same rules also apply to VAW.