The job created on March 11, 2023.
With above picture i believe my daily backup have 6 retention and not 5, am i right? Why i set 5 retention but actually the file have 6 retention?
Your backup job runs everyday with weekly full backups.
We cannot delete the Saturday/Sunday backups on Friday. If we would do that, restore for the entire week wouldn't work. The full backup and all incremental backups from such chain must be kept, till the new chain in the following week contains 5 daily backups again.
If you look on the pic there incremental backup for 20 - 25 Aug and full backup is on 2 Sept. With this condition i believe veeam can't restore for period 20-25 Aug since there are no full backup before 20 Aug. Am i right? If yes, why incremental period 20-25 is exist and not deleted?
With this condition i believe veeam can't restore for period 20-25 Aug since there are no full backup before 20 Aug.
Yes, the full backup seems to be missing on the screenshot/folder. Without the full backup, restore from "8/20 - 8/25" is not possible. You should see in the backup console that the backup chain has missing restore points: ... ml?ver=120
If yes, why incremental period 20-25 is exist and not deleted?
Check if the backup console shows those restore points as missing in the backup properties. If so, you can remove them and all depending incremental from disk and configuration: ... ml?ver=120
If you want to know why they weren't removed together with the full backup, please open a support ticket and provide them with a current log package. Unfortunately I cannot say from a forum post why those backups "8/20 - 8/25" are not deleted.
"9/2 - 9/5" are still kept because they are needed for restores from "9/6 - 9/8". As explained in my first comment.