Reverse Incremental backup job with scheduled compacts.
A file lock is acquired by another process on a .vbk during the compact causing the job to fail with this warning:
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2/20/2019 8:22:01 AM :: Failed to compact full backup file Details: boost::filesystem::rename: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: "D:\Backups\ReverseIncrementalTest_4-6\VM-04.72bd94a4-d6aa-477a-9c8e-22d9df34787c_3840D2019-02-20T081845.vbk", "D:\Backups\ReverseIncrementalTest_4-6\VM-04.72bd94a4-d6aa-477a-9c8e-22d9df34787c_3840D2019-02-20T081845_to_delete.vbk"
Failed to rename file [D:\Backups\ReverseIncrementalTest_4-6\VM-04.72bd94a4-d6aa-477a-9c8e-22d9df34787c_3840D2019-02-20T081845.vbk]
Subsequent runs of the job will fail in this manor as the job does not appear to understand that there is a new .VBK from the last job run and attempts to use the previous .VBK (which is now a .VRB)
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Error: Last storage: VM-04.72bd94a4-d6aa-477a-9c8e-22d9df34787c_9B1DD2019-02-19T115027.vrb must be VBK
I have been able to reproduce this on demand in my test environment and I have had it impact several jobs in production in the past. Current solution I have gotten from Veeam support is active full the job. I have thus far only test with per VM backup files so this may or may not be possible with a single backup file.