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Rollback from Veeam 10 to Veeam 9.5U4b

Post by cjtai »


I performed an upgrade from Veeam B&R 9.0> 9.5U4b > 10 yesterday and unfortunately overlooked the fact that we have application-aware backups running on critical Windows 2003 R2 SP2 VMs with SQL Express 2008 (10.50.1600.1).
As expected, they are no longer working and it seems crash-consistent backups are our only option at this point. What options do I have at this point?

I have a configuration backup from 9.5U4b - Is it possible to simply restore the backup configuration?
Is there a formal rollback procedure or guide to move from v10 to v9.5U4?
What would be involved in trying to rollback through this method?
If a re-install was required, could we re-purpose the original Veeam DB (it is also being used with ARCserve so if we needed to create a new one it would likely break the tape backups as well).

Does Veeam provide scripts to assist with performing 'like' application-aware backups on 2003 Windows VMs (will SQL 2008) that are no longer supported?

Open Case # is 04236367.

Thank you,

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Re: Rollback from Veeam 10 to Veeam 9.5U4b

Post by HannesK »

and welcome to the forum.

I would reinstall and import the 9.5U4b configuration. That is a clean way.

For the SQL database: you can install it on the same database server in a different database.

No, we don't provide manual scripting for unsupported systems. That's why they are unsupported :-) But I suppose you could run VSS also via script.

Best regards,
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