Specifies if you want Veeam Backup & Replication to automatically upgrade existing components in the backup infrastructure. Veeam Backup & Replication performs automatic upgrade after the Veeam Backup Service is started on the backup server.
Specify 1 to enable automatic upgrade.
Yes that far i got.
But if nothing is specified, what is then the default behavior of Server.x64.msi installer?
Will it automatically kicks off an upgrade? as in VBR_AUTO_UPGRADE="1" is the default ?
Or will you have to manually select to upgrade after the installation? As in VBR_AUTO_UPGRADE="0" is the default?
Default behavior for VBR_AUTO_UPGRADE is "0" aka disabled. That is, if key is not set at all.
It will only kick an auto update of remote components when explicitly set to "1".
Long time passed, but my point is still valid, even if I failed to explain myself
On https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... ml?ver=110
It clearly states for VBR_CHECK_UPDATES, what is the default behavior. (default value is 1).
But for the switch below, VBR_AUTO_UPGRADE, the default behavior is not described.
It gets even worse now that I know that the default behavior for the first is 1=ON and for the next is 0=OFF.