I have a question about the Repository Seal mode.
1 SOBR - 2 Extents A & B
Both Extents have "Use-per-machine backup files" enabled
Backup jobs / VMs are balanced between the 2 Extents
Some backup jobs have many VMs - some VMs in the job backup to Extent A and some to Extent B
We want to retire Extent A
If I place Extent A in Seal Mode, I understand that a new chain will need to be created. So active full backups will be initiated.
My question is, will VMs already backing up to Extent B require an Active full or only those backing up to Extent A?Backup jobs that are targeted to a scale-out backup repository with the sealed extents that store active backup chains will be forced to create a new active full backup on the next run
The documentation seems to suggest jobs targeted to the SOBR will trigger Active fulls but logically I would think it is only those targeting the sealed extent.
Depending on the answer, either 50 or 100% of VMs will require an Active full, which is a big difference!
Please can someone confirm? Thanks!