* I would like to be able to set/change "Default" values for new Jobs. F.eks. the Default "VI Field" for Notifications is "Notes"
I have to manually change the field from "Notes" to "BackupStatus" every time and allthough I "mostly" remember to do it.
Very often someone else will forget and the result is that information in the "Notes" field gets overwritten by the backup-
* I'd like to set SNMP as default for all jobs, unless otherwise instructed.
* I want to set a global default for "Backup Mode" so that new jobs doesn't end up as "Incremental" when I want it to be "Reverse"
* I would like to have "Folders" in the Jobs/Sessions views. Today it gets messy with all the different job-types in the same
view. Copy-Jobs/Backups/Replicas etc.
* There's usually lots of one-off jobs for archiving purposes and it would be nice to either have that as a separate type of job
or at least have separate folders as mentioned above to keep the view of "Active" jobs clean from all other jobs.
* Maybe tags/categories column in the views (Jobs, sessions etc.) to be able to sort on user-defined and/or pre-defined values.
* Daisy-chaining of jobs in the GUI. It's nice how "Surebackup" jobs has app-groups and the ability to Link jobs. It would be
even more usefull if this functionality was avalable in Backup/Replica jobs as well.
* Again

less all off-site replication issues with rsync hacks.
It would probably need some sort of "Veeam Reciever" service at the off-site location, but since vSphere allready gives You
the CBT list there should be possibilities for keeping a temporary store of the changes injected into the .VBK file so that it
can be replicated off-site and injected in off-site .VBK file
It would also remove the "Filename change" problems.