But in the GUI if the proxy selection is set to "autoselect" (default), Veeam cannot find any proxy that are in the same subnet as the SQL VM, so the Log's are still trasfered over VIX.
To be able to select a proxy (autoselect or manually) that work for this subnet, we must install a Veeam proxy (or choose a already present VM as proxy) for each subnet (>100).
To avoid the installation of these Veeam Proxy I have modified the "child job" with the SQL VM with no Proxy entry.
Code: Select all
$job = Read-Host "Enter master job name"
$subjob = Read-Host "Enter Child Job name (SQL)"
if ((Get-PSSnapin -Name VeeamPSSnapIn -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
Add-PsSnapin -Name VeeamPSSnapIn
$o = New-VBRJobVSSoptions
$o.Enabled = $true
$o.VssSnapshotOptions.Enabled = $true
$o.IgnoreErrors = $false
#set sql options
$o.SqlBackupOptions.TransactionLogsProcessing = "Backup"
$o.SqlBackupOptions.BackupLogsFrequencyMin = 30
$o.SqlBackupOptions.UseDbBackupRetention = $true
$o.SqlBackupOptions.RetainDays = 15
$o.SqlBackupOptions.ProxyAutoSelect = $false
Get-VBRJob -Name $job | Get-VBRJobObject -Name $subjob | Set-VBRJobObjectVssOptions -Options $o