tried to do a SQL restore and realized that it doesn't work since we moved some vm's and services around different VLANs. The culprit soon was found: network communication on certain ports was not allowed. Well, how difficult could it be, right?
Turned out that you (almost) need tons of different ports to enable communication - SMB, 1433, 1434 udp, RPC, ... Eventually it (veeam explorer for restore sql) tried to communicate to the ports 1025 and 1026, but on the (sql)-server-side nothing was listening on those ports...
I've got two questions:
I can't find the ports 1025 and 1026 in the documentation, what is this all about?
why not letting the persistent guest agent handle all of this communication? I mean this thingy was introduced to reduce the amount of needed ports and now for restore we have to go back. I know it might not be a trivial task to let the agent do some proxy stuff, but this way it's a bit painful...
why not letting the persistent guest agent handle all of this communication? I mean this thingy was introduced to reduce the amount of needed ports and now for restore we have to go back. I know it might not be a trivial task to let the agent do some proxy stuff, but this way it's a bit painful...
I'll count that as a feature request. We have similar requests from larger service providers.