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Full Name: Larry Walker

static IP mapping feature to map isolated IP address of requ

Post by larry »

I am trying to setup user-directed recovery.
My domain controller and exchange VMs start and Veeam reports all successful.
I can remote in to each VM in the lab and ping each others with there real IP ( 123.16.206.X, Veeam pings them with the 123.31.206.X , both seem normal.
When I try step 3
3. Open settings for Virtual Lab used by SureBackup job, and edit static IP mapping feature to map isolated IP address of required VM to some unused IP address in the production network. ( I restarted the job )

I cant ping the new address anywhere. Do I map the 123.31.206.X or 123.16.206.X to the IP on the production network ? I just ping the address not an assigned DNS. Should the Veeam server be able to ping ? Tried both but no luck

PS I read the manual and FAQ and many posts.

I switched to just one VM – Win 7 IP, mapped its IP from to

I manually setup the proxy to use ip and when the lab comes up I can ping the proxy.
Still cant ping the

Is there a step by step somewhere I might of missed ?

I deleted my labs and tried again but same issue.
Alexey D.

Re: static IP mapping feature to map isolated IP address of

Post by Alexey D. »

Hello Larry,

You should use real IP (123.16.206.X) for mapping.

From your description I can see that you configured everything in a proper way. After restarting the job you should have been able to ping those mapped IPs, but this hasn't happened for an unknown reason. Please reach out our support team as they will need to log in to your appliance VM and check why these IPs were not added to appliance's production interface.

If you don't mind, please post the results of investigation to this thread, later on.
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Re: static IP mapping feature to map isolated IP address of

Post by itldn »


I am not sure if I have understood the reply by Alex D.
But i seem to have the same problem, Step 3 in the user-directed recovery a bit not clear

in the static mapping window;
what do we put under Isolated IP and Access IP?

my understanding is Isolated IP is the Masquerading IP and
Access iP is the Newly chosen production IP that is defined in DNS

so lets assume that production IP of a vm is
Masquerading IP is
Newly assigned ip with DNs record is Exch-yesterday

so when we get to the static mapping wizard all we need to put is

IsolatedIP Access IP

This does not work from the production network. This is because there is no routing to route to the masquerading ip.
From the veeam server i can ping the masquerading ip but not the Access IP

am i missing something here?
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Full Name: Alexander Fogelson

Re: static IP mapping feature to map isolated IP address of

Post by foggy »

To get access to a VM in the isolated network directly from a production environment, you should reserve a static IP address in the pool of production IP addresses (just any free IP on your production network, this is the Access IP) and specify which IP address on the isolated network it matches (Isolated IP).
So in your case you should map the following IPs in the wizard: and
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Re: static IP mapping feature to map isolated IP address of

Post by itldn »

Hi Foggy,

This has worked!
Many thanks for your advice
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