I've just noticed that SureBackup jobs don't send success reports if the success notification is disabled globally.
In backup/tape jobs custom notification settings can be configured, but with Surebackup we can only add an additional recipient.
Interestingly the debug log always states that a report is created and sent:
[12.09.2019 10:43:23] <01> Info [DB] Transforming xml report to html report
[12.09.2019 10:43:23] <01> Info [SessionReportMailer] Sending report safely
Is this behaviour expected and is there a workaround available?
SureBackup job does not have advanced notification logic (like backup jobs where you can configure custom settings for every job), instead it fully relies on the settings from the global email notification tab. That being said, I've noted a feature request based on your post. Cheers!
We have hundreds of backup / replication jobs, many which run hourly or 15 mins, and we only need the emails for failures (global setting) but of course we would like to be notified for success on all SureBackup jobs so at this stage we have to make this a global change which is annoying.