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SureBackup per VM RAM allocation

Post by jmertensnetuk »

In SureBackup I can edit the percentage of RAM allocated during the VM test however it seems to effect all VM's in the linked job.

I have an issue where we have a Remote Desktop Services server in a linked job that has a lot more RAM than the host we use to run SureBackup jobs on so does not boot due to RAM.

I have reduced in the SureBackup job the RAM allocation to 50% to allow the RDS server to run but this then causes issues for some of the other VM's in the linked job as they have too little RAM.

Is there a way for me to allocate 50% RAM to the RDS server but still allow 100% for the file server for example? Both servers are in the same backup job that is then linked to the SureBackup job.
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Re: SureBackup per VM RAM allocation

Post by HannesK »

unfortunately there is no direct way to achieve that.

The only workaround is to put that big RDS server into a separate backup job. Then you can link that job or configure RAM via application group.

Best regards,
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