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Full Name: Mike Schlottman

Surebackup SQL verification failing

Post by mschlott »

I have a SQL server that is running in a sure backup job. If I turn off SQL verification, and leave the job runing, I can verify that the SQL server is running and I can connect to it from my Veeam server. If SQL verification is turned on, the test fails.

Support tells me that the SQL verification test is just a ping of port 1433. The server is running a named instance of SQL and I have found, that any of our SQL server that run named instances, do not listen on port 1433. Is there something that I can do to have Veeam acurately test wether a SQL server is actually running instead of a ping of port 1433. If this is a SQL configuration issue, I'd like to know that too. I am not a SQL admin. I only play one, when things are broke.

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Re: Surebackup SQL verification failing

Post by Gostev »

Hi Mike, actually it does not ping (ping is a separate test), but verifies if the port is listening (like telnet). The port is customizable by editing the predefined script in the product installation folder (if you can figure out the port that your SQL servers are listening), or of course you can always make your own test script instead (for example, script that check SQL Server process state, or something more complex). Thanks.
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