I have a replication job configured for a couple of VM's with a source IP and network of 172.30.10.x that are replicated to a remote site along with a Re-IP rule being configured as part of the replication to change their networking to 172.21.10.x
I have setup an application group from the two replica VM's
I have setup a virtual lab configured for the host that they are on at the replica site, the Appliance IP was set to (ie the IP of the router of the replica as it would be after it is Re-IP'd for the remote network)
When I run the sure backup job, it fails with the error:
Code: Select all
16/12/2016 10:47:38 Error stc-plmtst-01 - Powering on
16/12/2016 10:47:38 Error: No destination network for IP address
If I then re-configure the Virtual Lab Appliance IP to be that of the original PROD source network - ie 172.30.10.x, the sure backup job seems to get a bit further but still fails (there is a ping error):
Code: Select all
16/12/2016 11:18:44 Error stc-plmtst-01 - Running ping test(s)
16/12/2016 11:20:44 Error: Application group failed to start
16/12/2016 11:20:49 Error: Application group failed to start
Can anyone point me in the direction of what I am doing wrong here?