First of all, thanks for your great feedback. I've learned much
A Backup jobs is scheduled at 0600, 1200, 1800, and 0000. The full synthetic is scheduled to run on Friday. Is there a way for me to control the start time of the full synthetic?. As example: let the incremental completed their 0600, 1200, and 1800 schedule then let the Full Synthetic Job kick in.
By design, you cannot specify when to start synthetic full - normally it is triggered after first successful job run.
But the scheduler is flexible and you can achieve your goal by doing this trick:
Open Time Periods window at Scheduling tab (it's a map where you've specified Mon-Fri pattern). Besides Mon-Fri, include in the pattern one-quarter of Sat and make sure that it covers only first incremental run. And that's it! Thus, synthetic full will be done after that first run, and 3 other runs will be skipped.
As a result, you get full backup which includes all Friday's changes too, with just a little overhead (a need to run one increment on Sat).
Will do.
I've modified the 1.st incremental and then the synthetic window for early Saturday. I'm thinking that the synthetic will complete before 0600am. I'll let you know Monday. Thanks again