I want to set up the following v9 environment (100% virtualized):
Source Site A
- Veeam Backup master Server VM
- Backup proxies VM's
- Source WAN Accelerator VM
- All these VM's have two NIC's. One in the main/normal LAN (, the second in the VLAN where the NAS is (192.168.60)
- The network is hard set as the preferred network for backup & replication traffic
- Synology NAS (physical) exists only in network but all above hosts access it through their second NIC and this has worked fine for years.
Target Site B (other GEO area, 40 Mbit effective bandwidth)
- Target WAN Accelerator + Target Repository on same, large VM with IP in Site B's network,
Both sites are connected through a Site2site VPN. and networks can reach each other.
I started the very first copy-job I just created: Repo = Target Repo in Site B with Job-params: "Source WAN Accel = WAN Accel in Site A" and "Target WAN Accel = WAN Accel in Site B".
I was assuming that ALL communications to Site B are ONLY done by the two WAN Accelerators. The job however fails with the message "06.05.2016 21:47:11 :: Error: Failed to connect to the port [syno01-vlan60.domain.tld:2500]" (anonymized the domain name)
So i start to ask " **Who** cannot talk to the NAS on port 2500" ??
All hosts in Site A, incl. the WAN Accell. there, have that second NIC to access the .60 ip-storage network where the NAS lives.
I then looked in the firewall / VPN logs on both sides and I see that the remote host with the target Repo and WAN Accel on it, is the one that tries to connect with the NAS in Site A (which ofcourse it well never be able to).
Why does the target host in Site B try to connect directly with the NAS in Site A? Why does the traffic not go completely via the two WAN Accelerators?
The design in had in my head only envisioned the WAN Accelerators talking to each other. Ever.
Code: Select all
Site A Site B
192.168.60.x 192.168.10.x 172.16.1.x
NAS ------------ Source WAN Accell <---------> Target WAN Accell --- Target Repository (together in same VM)
Code: Select all
Site A Site B
192.168.60.x 192.168.10.x 172.16.1.x
NAS ------------ Source WAN Accell Target WAN Accell --- Target Repository (together in same VM)
^ /
I cannot change the Site A design and move the NAS into the Network (I will be shot).