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Full Name: Corby Agid

Trouble backing up freshly restored VM

Post by corby »


I am evaluating Veeam Backup.

I backed up a test server, intentionally destroyed the original and successfully restored the server from backup. It was all painless and intuitive.

Then, I tried to backup the newly restored VM and the backup failed with this message:
Analyzing object "VeeamSeverTest1" (vm-1108), host "renovmmgr" Object "VeeamSeverTest1" (ref "vm-1108") was not found in hierarchy.

The VM being backed up is VeeamServerTest1 and the computer running Veeam Backup software is renomvmgr.

Please advise.
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Full Name: George Rata

Re: Trouble backing up freshly restored VM

Post by GeorgeRata »

You will have to create a new job, the one you are trying to use is pointing to the host that you have just destroyed.
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Re: Trouble backing up freshly restored VM

Post by Gostev »

That is correct. This is exactly why we recommend to organize jobs on container level (ESX, cluster, folder) which gives you dynamic scope. Because if you add individual VMs to the job, they are memorized by unique reference ID that gets lost from ESX/vCenter database when you delete the VM.
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Re: Trouble backing up freshly restored VM

Post by corby »

Thank you Gostev and George for your answers...

I've removed and readded the new server to the backup job. Will Veeam still be able to dedup against the original, destroyed server backup?

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Re: Trouble backing up freshly restored VM

Post by Gostev »

Generally yes, any blocks which are already present in the backup file will not be applied there again. However, since in your case you will create new job, it will create brand new backup file instead of writing to the old one.
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