The Exchange database is backed up daily with the TSM Data Protection for Exchange, which also leverages VSS.
The backups made by TSM are incremental except on Saturdays, when a full backup is performed.
All has been working flawlessly for months until the introduction of Veeam backup. With Veeam only the system disk of the Exchange server is backed up (using the VSS-only method) weekly on Sundays. Apparently the Veeam backup disrupts in some way the TSM incremental/full sequence; this is what happens:
Saturday, 1:00 AM: Exchange full backup with TSM, success.
Sunday, 1:00 AM: Exchange incremental backup with TSM, success.
Sunday, 1:00 PM: VEEAM backup of C: disk with VSS, success.
Monday, 1:00 AM: Exchange incremental backup with TSM: fails with the following message:
which repeats for all storage groups.Backup of storage group First Storage Group (EXCHGROUP) failed.
ACN5798E MS Exchange API HRESEBACKUPSETUP() failed with HRESULT: 0xc8000230
The database missed a previous full backup before the incremental backup.
This goes on the following days until a TSM full backup is performed, at which point the incrementals run correctly again (until the next Veeam backup...).
I have the impression this is not a TSM issue but rather a VSS issue. A product B backing up the Exchange database disrupts the sequence of full and incrementals of a product A doing the same thing.
Aside from the obvious workaround solution of scheduling the TSM full just after the Veeam backup, any other hints?