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Full Name: Russell Watkins

Unable to import guest file system index

Post by russwatkins »


I have been archiving a full backup to tape along with the .vbm file for the last year. I am needing to pull some data from a VM and am hitting an error on import.

If I import the backup (which consists of around 20 vms) without the guest file system index, then it works perfectly. However when I try to import with the index, I get the following error:


The import fails but shows only one vm in the imported list (not the VM I need unfortunately!)

I wondered if there was any way around this? I only have around a 30k file to get back from a 2tb backup!

Many thanks
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Full Name: Russell Watkins

Re: Unable to import guest file system index

Post by russwatkins »

Just to follow up - the file above does not exist - the full backup filename is 27T213718.vbk. I can't understand where Veeam is getting the above filename from!

I've tried changing the name of the .vbk to match however I presume there is some metadata that is stopping this from working.
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Unable to import guest file system index

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Please contact our technical team to get a quicker assistance (WebEx session might be required), as it is almost impossible to troubleshoot technical issues over the community forums. Thanks!
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Full Name: Russell Watkins

Re: Unable to import guest file system index

Post by russwatkins » 1 person likes this post


Thanks for the reply.

I've actually fixed the issue, and it is probably worth sharing the experience on here.

I archive our last full Veeam backup per month on to tape. To do this I take the latest full backup with the corresponding .vbm file. Sometimes however, there will be a few incrementals that have run since the last full backup. I do not copy these to tape and this looks to be where the problem arises. When I import the backups in to Veeam, it is looking in the .vbm for the full AND the incrementals and fails when it finds no .vib's.

To get around this, I have imported the Veeam backup files with the index option ticked - waited for the error message and cleared it. Then when I went to complete a file level restore I chose the last full from the list - it allowed the file level restore to complete as shown below :


Hope this helps others!
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