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V12 Hardened Repository Upgrade an established connection was aborted by the server

Post by mkaec »

I upgraded an instance from V11 to V12 today. Upon opening the VBR console, I was advised remote components needed to be upgraded. The Hyper-V host components went fine. The hardened Linux repository was a different story. I logged in to the repository, enabled SSH and added repouser to the sudoers group (usermod -a -G sudo repouser). I verified that I could connect via SSH (and sudo) using those credentials from the VBR server. I then added the credentials as single user credentials into the upgrade wizard and clicked the test button. I immediately got an error "an established connection was aborted by the server". Attempting to move forward anyway resulted in the same error. I was copying and pasting the credentials. So, it wasn't a case of incorrect data entry. And I did try multiple times (probably over 10 in total). For fun, I tried with credentials I knew were invalid and got the same thing - "an established connection was aborted by the server". So, it wasn't even getting to the authentication stage. Here is from Svc.VeeamBackup.log.

Code: Select all

 An established connection was aborted by the server. (Veeam.Backup.Common.SSHNegotiationException)
[02.03.2023 18:44:26.901] <116> Error        Server stack trace: 
[02.03.2023 18:44:26.901] <116> Error           at Veeam.Backup.SSH.RenciLib.CSshRenciConnectionImpl.Connect()
[02.03.2023 18:44:26.901] <116> Error           at Veeam.Backup.SSH.CSshConnection.CreateConnectionImpl(CSshConnectionSpec connSpec)
[02.03.2023 18:44:26.901] <116> Error           at Veeam.Backup.SSH.CSshConnection.CreateConnection(CSshConnectionSpec connSpec)
[02.03.2023 18:44:26.901] <116> Error           at Veeam.Backup.SSH.CSshConnection.InternalCreateNotCachedConnection(CSshConnectionSpec connSpec)
[02.03.2023 18:44:26.901] <116> Error           at Veeam.Backup.SSH.CSshConnection..ctor(CSshConnectionSpec spec, ISshConfig sshCore, Boolean useCache, LogLevels logLevel)
[02.03.2023 18:44:26.901] <116> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Satellite.CSshConnectionHolder.Connect(CClientSshConnectionSpec clientConnSpec)
[02.03.2023 18:44:26.901] <116> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Satellite.CSatelliteSshConnectorServiceStub.TestConnection(CClientSshConnectionSpec connSpec)
[02.03.2023 18:44:26.901] <116> Error           at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Object[]& outArgs)
[02.03.2023 18:44:26.901] <116> Error           at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg)
[02.03.2023 18:44:26.901] <116> Error        Exception rethrown at [0]: 
[02.03.2023 18:44:26.901] <116> Error           at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
[02.03.2023 18:44:26.901] <116> Error           at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
[02.03.2023 18:44:26.901] <116> Error           at Veeam.Backup.SSH.ISshConnector.TestConnection(CClientSshConnectionSpec connSpec)
[02.03.2023 18:44:26.901] <116> Error           at Veeam.Common.Remoting.CRetryableMethod.<>c__DisplayClass25_0.<DoInvoke>b__0()
[02.03.2023 18:44:26.901] <116> Error           at Veeam.Common.Remoting.CRetryableMethod.DoInvoke[Ret](ActionDelegate`1 dlg)
[02.03.2023 18:44:26.901] <116> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Interaction.Management.CSatelliteSshConnectorProxy.TestConnection(CClientSshConnectionSpec connSpec)
[02.03.2023 18:44:26.901] <116> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Interaction.Management.CSshManagementServiceStub.TestConnection(
I rebooted both the VBR server and repository. No help.

I wandered into the Properties of the repository in Backup Infrastructure > Linux Servers. I hit next on Name. I added single-use credentials the same as before, but this time the connection was successful. I was told that there was no installer service and that the transport service needed to be upgraded. I was able to complete the wizard and update the components.

So, for anyone encountering "an established connection was aborted by the server" when trying to upgrade components of a Linux hardened repository, Properties in Backup Infrastructure > Linux Servers may be your savior.
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Re: V12 Hardened Repository Upgrade an established connection was aborted by the server

Post by HannesK »

thanks for sharing!
I wandered into the Properties of the repository in Backup Infrastructure > Linux Servers. I hit next on Name. I added single-use credentials the same as before, but this time the connection was successful.
yes, the "backup infrastructure" is usually the way to go if there are any kind of connection issues (also for Windows machines)

Best regards,
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Full Name: Andreas Zander

Re: V12 Hardened Repository Upgrade an established connection was aborted by the server

Post by A.Zander »

We had the same problem here and were able to solve it with your tip.

Thanks for sharing!

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Full Name: Andy Street

Re: V12 Hardened Repository Upgrade an established connection was aborted by the server

Post by Street »

Thanks for sharing, this exact problem just had me stumped for the last hour!
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Re: V12 Hardened Repository Upgrade an established connection was aborted by the server

Post by DFEX »

We had the same problem here and were able to solve it with your tip.

Thanks for sharing!

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Re: V12 Hardened Repository Upgrade an established connection was aborted by the server

Post by mkaec »

Just did the upgrade from 12.0 to 12.1 and ran into the same issue - the wizard that appeared when starting the console wouldn't accept the single-use credentials. Repository properties had no problem. :shock:
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Re: V12 Hardened Repository Upgrade an established connection was aborted by the server

Post by randytho »

Kind of an old thread but it helped me as well. It looks like using the properties option represents the server public SSH key. Evidently if the linux host is updated the key difference cause a failure on upgrade wizard. I was prompted to accept the key and it went through the upgrade. This could be by design but would be nice if it would prompt.
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