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V13 wish list

Post by sogapex » 1 person likes this post


After changing our whole backup infrastructure (new servers and Veeam V12, see vmware-vsphere-f24/best-way-to-achieve- ... 85787.html), here is my wish list for Veeam V13 :

* being able to trigger a "copy job" after "another copy job" would be great
* Since I have a job that I want to run 3 times a day and then once by night, it would be really, really great to be able to trigger a copy job after it, but only by night (currently, we need to finely adjust launch time to reduce the total backup window, but this is not really convenient = in fact, we can't know the exact duration of a particular job. Moreover, when there is a full backup, the duration is not the same at all).
* For GFS, there are yearly, monthly and weekly backup : I would like to have a "daily" GFS backup => in such case, no need anymore to set up a "copy job" of the main job to achieve our objective (4 backups per day but keep only one daily backup for XX days)
* Being able to define a different transport mode during night against day (nbd=day, hot-add=night). Indeed, in our case, doing a hot-add backup during day somehow brokes one of our software whereas doing nbd is "invisible" for users. (during night, hot-add is not a problem and can be clearly better for full backup) => maybe being able to define transport mode function of "incremental" / "full backup" would be sufficient ? (example : nbd for incremental and hot-add for full backup)

With this possibilities, my job list and configuration would be far more simplier (no brainache to dispatch all the jobs), it would be more robust to changes in data volume and my total backup window would be optimal (reduced at its minimum). The backup speed would also be optimal all time (day or night, incremental or full)

Thanks to provide us with the best tool to achieve all our backup need, the best way.
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Re: V13 wish list

Post by HannesK »


1) there are a few requests for that and we count your request +1
2) the "job" you run 3 times is a backup job, right? What problem is a backup copy job in "mirror" mode causing that is limited to a specific time that starts around the backup job time at night?
3) It's unlikely to happen because it's complex (same as we never implemented Towers of Hanoi schema)
4) I suggest to fix the problems instead of adding features. If full backups are the problem, one might consider stopping active full and going for synthetic full backups. Or switch to direct SAN backup mode if SAN is in use and HotAdd / NBD are not sufficient. Talking of NBD backup... are you using Windows or Linux proxies? I remember Linux proxies being faster with NBD (at least in V12)

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Re: V13 wish list

Post by sogapex »

2) yes, this is my "main" backup job. currently, I have a backup copy job to be able to respond to point 3 (pruning mode) that runs once a day (night time). And so, it would be better to change the mode to "mirror" and set the schedule time to a "backup window" ? but in such a case, the "backup copy job" would also copy the 3x workingtime backups ?

4) we have a mix of full and synthetic. There is no SAN (each esxi has its own local datastores). I am already using linux proxies VMs (and yes, I can confirm they are cheaper, lighter and faster to process data and also faster to set up than windows one). There is no "performance" problem for us. A full backup in hotadd mode = less than 1 hour. In nbd mode, less than 2hours. This was just a "wish". Our problem = we can't rely on "hotadd" mode when people are working, because one of our software is not reliable ("paradox" database, network shared) and stops working correctely (8 out of 10) when a "hotadd" backup is done. I guess we are not alone in this case = not being able (or not wanting) to run hot-add backup during working time. And so, a feature allowing us to choose a different transport mode depending of time would be great. Another point = when you have several VMs to backup with small increments, this is faster to use the nbd mode for incremental backup, but for a full backup, this is faster to use the hot-add mode. (by the time your proxy mounts the datastore, the nbd backup is already treating the next VM)
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Re: V13 wish list

Post by sogapex »

another "goodie" that could help better scheduling jobs =
when we tell a job to run after another one, it would be nice if we could also tell it not to run some days

Example :
My main backup job is running the whole week (7/7), and I also have a full backup running each day (TAPE) of the week, but not the week-end.
I don't want these 2 jobs to run at the same time, but I want them to run one after each other.
And so, the naturally and best way to tell Veeam to do that would be :
- Job1 runs everyday at XX
- Job2 runs after job1, but only the following days : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
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Re: V13 wish list

Post by mkretzer »

My main wish for V13 is a better SOBR rebalancing and backup move - this should be relevant for block and object.
SOBR rebalancing and moving should not interrupt Jobs for more than a minute. My way of doing this would be to create a new rebalance/move mode: "move using copy" mode - It would copy all the restore points in a chain to the new location, starting from the oldest point. As soon as all the points have been copied the backup job is shortly disabled while the chain is switched to the new location.
After that there could be a button "acknowledge move" which then deletes the files from the old location (but this can be optional).
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Re: V13 wish list

Post by redpit1973 » 1 person likes this post

Mein größter Wunsch für V13 (oder sehr gerne früher) wäre die Möglichkeit, endlich Fileshare Backup in einen Veeam Cloud Connect kopieren zu können.
Nachdem Veeam es endlich mit V10 geschafft hat, SMB Shares sichern zu können, hat man sich leider keinerlei Gedanken über eine Auslagerung der gesicherten Shares gemacht.
Und die Implementierung dieser Funktion wird leider seit Jahren ignoriert, diese ist jedoch sehr wichtig und aus rechtlicher Sicht, in unserer Branche, eine Anforderung.
Hier muss dringend nachgearbeitet werden.
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Re: V13 wish list

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My main wish list item: permissions granularity. I'd like to be able to have one Veeam B&R server in certain locations but have to have multiples due to different jobs requiring different permissions.
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Re: V13 wish list

Post by YouGotServered »

Adding a wish - ReFS backup file defrag <3
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Re: V13 wish list

Post by MaartenA »

Create a more advanced scheduler for Storage Snapshots. If i want to run Storage snapshots at 9.00 / 12.00 / 16.00 i need to create 3 jobs now. Would be nice to have it in one job. You can play some with the periodically every.. + schedule window or use a script but having it in the console with more options would be nice

Maybe a button in the schedule part like advanced schedule where you can add multiple schedules
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Re: V13 wish list

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It's been nearly a year since anyone updated this thread, but I thought I'd throw in one more wish list item. It would be great if an updated version of Veeam B&R could always manage other Veeam B&R instances that were one or two generations older. This would allow for a much smoother upgrade process across the board, as we could just update the 'top tier' instances and then upgrade other instances one office at a time.
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Re: V13 wish list

Post by JGM2023 » 1 person likes this post

Adding a few extra requests to the "Wish list" :D

Deletion Jobs separated so they are run on a backup server level rather than per backup. This would make it a lot easier to track retention deletes, plus this could be a 24 hour job like a SQL Job which could be traced In that same method/window.

Find orphaned files Improvements, We often end up with orphaned files on our object storage, Very hard to trace all of this Info when Veeam Itself Is unaware of it/Rescans fail to Import it back In.

Easier method of removing and adding new object storage, While also completing retention deletes. It's a little tricky to complete this right now... Maintenance mode does not allow for deletes to keep running, Sealing the extent Is the best method to achieve this as far as I am aware so the retention deletion jobs still run. (This has caused us a lot of problems)

Tape jobs retry function, And retry only the machines that failed In that tape backup rather than creating a whole new full and failing again...

Select what NICs that proxy use for backup traffic - I often see Veeam rotating through NICS in the logs, Fails on certain adapters then moves on to the next network adapter etc. It would be a lot easier If you could select what NIC on the proxy you want It to use. Use case: We have dual NIC proxies so we can avoid firewalls.
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Re: V13 wish list

Post by RubinCompServ »

Find orphaned files Improvements
+1 from me for this! We frequently have this problem on our regular storage; I shudder to think of the nightmare of searching for orphans on object storage!
Select what NICs that proxy use for backup traffic
This also causes a problem when dealing with Support, because they keep insisting that the inability of my proxy to see a network over the wrong NIC is the source of my problem.
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Re: V13 wish list

Post by pirx » 1 person likes this post

History in console... Finally add 4 nice buttons to the view: all, error, warning, ok. I'm usuall not interested in successful jobs in history. I need to quickly filter for warnings and errors. I really don't get it, that this is still not available In V12.
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Re: V13 wish list

Post by soncscy »

I guess the Job Filter is at least partially helpful? ... ob-filters

You can create views based on the last session result for the most recent sessions which I guess should work. Else why not just Powershell (Yeah, the session cmdlets are a little slow, but for our scheduled reports they're quite adequate)
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Re: V13 wish list

Post by pirx »

No, not at all. It does not show the history.
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Re: V13 wish list

Post by dffvb »

Do we know when it will be released?
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Re: V13 wish list

Post by JTT » 1 person likes this post

Automatic "copy job" option for Configuration backups, like keep one locally and the second to S3, Cloudconnect etc.
File copy versioning options, like how many copys to keep and more flexible schedule, like two times a month.
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Re: V13 wish list

Post by BackupBytesTim » 1 person likes this post

Will add in about finding and deleting orphaned files as well, we also have this issue with regular Linux repositories. Which creates a notable amount of manual work to clean up.

Also, maybe more a VSPC feature, but it would be nice to see the VSPC "management interface" Veeam made for their software actually be able to manage the VBR servers.

Also I keep coming across occasional features that are unavailable on VBR when VBR is VCC, it would be nice to see the functionality be the same regardless of installation type.
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Re: V13 wish list

Post by SnakeSK » 2 people like this post

I just wish the V13 to come later than sooner, and the devs have all the time they need to fix the issues, and to have a longer term of internal and external testing. RTMs since V12 have been a russian roulette and even today not all things are ironed out.

Delay the release and do a minor one. Bring back the reliability of 11a. Thanks
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Re: V13 wish list

Post by RubinCompServ »


+1 from me on that, especially since I just discovered today that 11a is out of support, despite being the current "N-1"
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Re: V13 wish list

Post by BackupBytesTim » 1 person likes this post

Same thoughts here, I became convinced that they have non-developer management people higher up in the company demanding "something must be released on schedule" so that's why the development team seems to put out unfinished and untested updates so often these days. I understand how upper management in a company, that doesn't actually know anything about the work, can be difficult to negotiate deadlines with, but surely the updates released on schedule can be made smaller or something, so the functionality that's actually put out can be more reliable.

Unfortunately, due to the combination of some of our staff being new to the IT industry and just being a relatively small company, I sort of have to work against Veeam's influence on a regular basis to convince some of my coworkers that software updates are not actually something to be afraid of and we actually should not wait 6-12 months to install updates after they're released. And unfortunately I do deal with this impact with all software, not just Veeam. Veeam being the only software we use that actually has such issues.
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Re: V13 wish list

Post by BackupBytesTim » 1 person likes this post

Actually, best feature...

I get a lot of essentially "we can't take time to fix that issue right now" from support because supposedly I am the only one, or of a small handful, with certain issues that are determined to be issues with the software or shortcomings, where some key functionality is unavailable for basic things that I believe to be basic functionality that all other backup software I've used has, things like centralized management, resuming interrupted backups, and actual settings menus (the Windows registry is not a settings menu and I shouldn't have to modify registry keys to make anything work).

It would be nice to see basic functionality like that be added and some of my "bugs" be fixed, even if somehow my little company is the only company that actually has these issues and wants these features.
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