HI again,
I am sorry, my problem is not related with this trail of non issue/missunderstanding on how Veeam incremental backup works.
I clearly have VIBs that remain un erased, not all of them, after a full backup.
I have : 1 restore point to keep, I know incrementals cannot be erased as they depend on fulls.
I run full on weekend, 1 restore point to keep. After a full backup, instead of having 1 VBK file, I still have some of the old VIBs still present and VIB files date time stamp updated by the backup process.
The behaviour is different (I mean it works correctly) when I back up on CIFS share.
Example of a DIR by date for one of the backups:
Code: Select all
07/09/2011 07:18 AM 1,109,991,936 Storage2011-07-08T090056.vib
07/09/2011 07:18 AM 2,118,903,296 Storage2011-07-07T130044.vib
07/09/2011 07:18 AM 454,446,592 Storage2011-07-06T170107.vib
07/09/2011 07:19 AM 793,091,584 Storage2011-07-06T130051.vib
07/09/2011 07:19 AM 405,336,064 Storage2011-07-05T130037.vib
07/09/2011 07:19 AM 492,158,976 Storage2011-07-05T090050.vib
07/09/2011 07:19 AM 455,201,280 Storage2011-07-04T090040.vib
07/16/2011 06:30 AM 1,047,784,448 Storage2011-07-15T090049.vib
07/16/2011 06:30 AM 1,970,232,320 Storage2011-07-14T090038.vib
07/16/2011 06:30 AM 1,284,527,104 Storage2011-07-13T170107.vib
07/16/2011 06:31 AM 1,180,572,672 Storage2011-07-12T170052.vib
07/16/2011 06:31 AM 995,255,808 Storage2011-07-11T130040.vib
07/23/2011 06:20 AM 1,412,174,336 Storage2011-07-21T090034.vib
07/23/2011 06:20 AM 597,952,000 Storage2011-07-20T170101.vib
07/23/2011 06:20 AM 731,183,104 Storage2011-07-20T130048.vib
07/23/2011 06:21 AM 1,405,416,448 Storage2011-07-19T090053.vib
07/23/2011 06:21 AM 557,806,592 Storage2011-07-18T170056.vib
07/30/2011 06:20 AM 1,553,555,968 Storage2011-07-27T170058.vib
07/30/2011 06:20 AM 1,388,224,000 Storage2011-07-27T090058.vib
07/30/2011 06:21 AM 963,284,480 Storage2011-07-25T130051.vib
07/30/2011 06:21 AM 1,063,502,848 Storage2011-07-25T090046.vib
08/06/2011 06:29 AM 381,070,536,704 Storage2011-08-06T000029.vbk
08/08/2011 09:12 AM 3,043,616,256 Storage2011-08-08T090102.vib
08/08/2011 01:06 PM 1,029,089,792 Storage2011-08-08T130037.vib
08/08/2011 05:09 PM 960,551,424 Storage2011-08-08T170126.vib
08/09/2011 09:09 AM 1,414,206,976 Storage2011-08-09T090045.vib
08/09/2011 01:07 PM 966,099,456 Storage2011-08-09T130036.vib
08/09/2011 05:09 PM 1,170,447,872 Storage2011-08-09T170104.vib
08/10/2011 09:10 AM 1,330,644,480 Storage2011-08-10T090050.vib
Veeam says 8 restore points but as anyone can see, there are far more than 8 files.
Anyone experiencing the same issue?
Thank you,