After working with support/development, we have been advised to back down the number of jobs from 70 to below 64. We are receiving these errors in the Veeam backup service logs:
Code: Select all
Error Failed to track states of jobs. Waiting before restart states tracking [5 sec]
Error The number of WaitHandles must be less than or equal to 64. (System.NotSupportedException)
Error at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAny(WaitHandle[] waitHandles, Int32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean exitContext)
Error at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAny(WaitHandle[] waitHandles, TimeSpan timeout, Boolean exitContext)
Error at Veeam.Backup.Service.CJobStateTracker.TrackJobs()
Error at Veeam.Backup.Service.CJobStateTracker.RetryableJobsTrackingCallback()
What we see as symptom of this is jobs not starting as scheduled, and retries not working. The current workaround wed have is rebooting the Veeam server daily when backups are not running. We are waiting on word from development on if a fix is possible, but the current word is it could be a .net limitation.