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VBR console keeps freezing. V12 - V12.1

Post by pmichelli »

Case # 07072049

We were running V11 with MSSQL. When V12 came out, I rebuilt it from scratch but chose the Postgres option (and imported the SQL config backup) to avoid licensing MS SQL again. I noticed from day 1 the VBR console would keep locking up. Every handful of clicks on something and the entire console just locks up for 3-5 seconds. I am not in the VBR console often since things are running smoothly, but the times I am (to do a restore, check logs, add a new VM to a job) it is painful.

I just lived with it. 12.1 has made it even worse. Now trying to X out of the VBR console freezes for up to 10 seconds before it shuts down and the interval of freezing between clicking on items in the VBR has increased. I just opened a case today because I can't take it anymore.

Is anyone else having this issue ? I really hope support can sort this out for me.
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Re: VBR console keeps freezing. V12 - V12.1

Post by HannesK »

if I need to guess, then I would say you run Postgres with default settings. ... n_byb.html has commands that help.

If that's not the case, let's see what support finds out.

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Re: VBR console keeps freezing. V12 - V12.1

Post by pmichelli »

Hi Hannes

Veeam 12 did the Postgres install. According to the document it says it would have taken care of the Postgres configuration. I'll wait and see what support has to say.
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Re: VBR console keeps freezing. V12 - V12.1

Post by HannesK »

yes, that's correct. If our installer installs Postgres, then it applies the tuning.

Checking the case, it does not look like you have many thousand machines. So that was my only guess.

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Re: VBR console keeps freezing. V12 - V12.1

Post by HannesK »

for future readers: the problem was solved with the latest update
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