1. PrepStorageForWriteEx failed '\\exagridqts01.domain.com\qtsveeam01_prod2\x2008vprod-agile\x2008vprod-agile2012-12-14T230106.vbk' Client error: Exception of type 'Veeam.Backup.AgentProvider.AgentClosedException' was thrown.
2. Error: Client error: Access is denied. Failed to write data to the file [\\exagridqts01.domain.com\qtsveeam01_prod2\p4prod\p4prod2012-12-14T212054.vbk]. Failed to backup text locally. Backup: [veeamfs:0:e7712c99-a4b2-4344-bc45-c4ee9ef2fed5 (vm-1175)\summary.xml@\\exagridqts01.domain.com\qtsveeam01_prod2\p4prod\p4prod2012-12-14T212054.vbkVBK: 'veeamfs:0:e7712c99-a4b2-4344-bc45-c4ee9ef2fed5 (vm-1175)\summary.xml@\\exagridqts01.domain.com\qtsveeam01_prod2\p4prod\p4prod2012-12-14T212054.
Currently, I have an open ticket with Exagrid support but they can't seems to have any issue on the storage side and have asked me to open a ticket with Veeam to troubleshoot on the Veeam side on these error messages...
I've asked around and apparently there is a known issue with Exagrid to where the way in which they process our .vbm can cause intermittent access denied issues while running backup jobs. We had a ticket open with them and they released a fix for this issue, but customers have to specifically ask for it from what I know.
For reference, Exagrid support case for this issue was #00026938.
Thanks Gostev - when I first open a ticket with them on this. We were told to update to the latest firmware which will fixed this problem but it seems the problem still there. This happens when a full backup job ran from Veeam from Friday and onto the weekend.
My name is Marc Crespi and I am the VP of Product Management at ExaGrid. If you would not mind sending me an e-mail at mcrespi@exagrid.com with your company name and contact information, I will be happy to look into this for you.
I am based at our corporate headquarters and can walk over to our support team to check the details.