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Veeam Backup 4.2.1 Post Job Scheduling Problem

Post by Felix »

Hey, I'm having a problem with how Veeam Backup 4.2.1 schedules post backup jobs.

I have setup a post backup job, to only occur on Sundays, with the intention of this job only running after the sunday backup job, to copy the main .vbk to an USB drive.

Now the problem is, that for checking wether to run post backup job, Veeam uses the Backups ending time, not the starting time.

So, because my Saturday backup run ends on Sunday, while the Sunday Backup run starts and ends on Sunday, the post job script gets run twice and causes all kinds of havoc, eg. the script run for the backup started on Saturday still runs, when the Sunday backup starts and because it locks the vbk during copy, the Sunday backup jobs fail, cause they can't get exclusive access to the vbk for writing.

Has this behaviour changed in 5.0 or is there a registry key or sth. to change this?

Otherwise it seems I'll have to add some logic to my backup script, to avoid the double runs.

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Re: Veeam Backup 4.2.1 Post Job Scheduling Problem

Post by Gostev »

Hi Felix, I know for sure that full backup schedule in v5 uses job starting time... will need to check on post-job script though. Thanks!
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Veeam Backup 4.2.1 Post Job Scheduling Problem

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Felix, the post backup job is tied to job ending time. You may add a hash sum comparison of the VBK files on both ends, and if those files are the same, then you can initiate a Sunday job...just my 2 cents.
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Post job command skipped

Post by JasonAF »


I'm having a problem such that the post job command is being skipped, according to the logs (BackupJob_,<job name>.log)

The jobs are set to incremental, with an active full backup on Mondays. It is desired to back up the Monday fulls to tape using Backup Exec, so a post job command has been set on the jobs to do that. The post job command frequency is set to selected days, and only Monday is specified.

When I test by running the script manually or by creating a similar backup job with the post job command, all works as expected. However, it is not running at the end of the regularly scheduled backup jobs.

I reviewed the VBR BackupJob* logs for additional information...

At the beginning of each job run, there is a log entry that starts out "Job Options" and in that log entry I see "Post command: ["C:\scripts\VbrPostJob.bat" Final Verification]", which tells me that VBR knows there is a post job command on that job.

Toward the end of the job run, there is always an entry stating "Job operation 'Running post job command'". In the log for the test job, the very next line is "Executing custom command '"C:\scripts\VbrPostJob.bat"', arguments...". However, in the logs for the regular jobs, the very next line is "Skip custom command execution. Job run 0 of 0.".

My question... Why is Veeam Backup & Replication skipping custom command execution?

The post job activity is set to run only on Mondays. However, those full backups that the jobs perform on those days take much longer than my test job, and they don't actually finish until Tuesday morning. So, my current theory is that VBR decides not to run the post job command since it is no longer Monday when the job gets to that point in the process.

Can anyone tell me whether or not that is how the product actually works?

I can't simply change the post job command day to be Tuesday since there are incremental jobs that run on Tuesday evening and some complete before midnight so those most recent backups (incremental VIB files) would be sent to tape rather than the full VBK files from the Monday run. To work around that I suppose the script could be enhanced to abort if it sees that the selected file ends in .vib, but I'd rather not complicate it any further. If the post job command is set to run on a day or days of the week, I believe VBR should base that on the start day of the job rather than the finish day. Just wondering if that's how it works or not, and what the recommendations are.

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Re: Veeam Backup 4.2.1 Post Job Scheduling Problem

Post by foggy »

Jason, this behavior was changed in v6 and now post job command is launched based on the job start date. I would recommend to upgrade to v6. Thanks.
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