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Veeam Backup vs Vranger Pro

Post by guyver1000 »

Are there any people here that used to be VrangerPro users and have switched to Veeam? I have about 60 hosts (120 CPUs) running VRP 5.0 and have had nothing but stability issues. It always seems to be that he product works a few days and then starts failing and always requires a reboot. I have upgraded the software so 20 times in a hope that it will finally fix my issues. Is Veeam reliable even with large installations? I have a pilot running now and so far so good. What are your views?

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Re: Veeam Backup vs Vranger Pro

Post by joergr »


I am not able to tell you stuff about comparison to some other backup product because i simply didn´t worked with anything but veeam in the last two years, thus, what i can tell you is that i run a huge datacenter which i backup with b+r 5 enterprise and i have no problems at all.

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Re: Veeam Backup vs Vranger Pro

Post by Gostev »

Funny you asked, because someone just posted this in the corresponding LinkedIn discussion, what that you by any chance?
Looking for Backup solution for our VMware environment that works.
Jason W Malloney wrote:We have been using Vizioncore's (now Quest) vRanger for a few years. It has been buggy but there really was not a solid solution for this type of backup solution.
I agree with Rick here....we have switched to Veeam and it has been solid, they have made great strides and is the best vm backup solution right now in my opinion. Check that out.
Now I realize that this discussion is huge (last for over 1 year already), but if you just browse through at least a few most recent pages, you will see most people recommending Veeam. And the beauty is, these are real people and real users, not some our marketing bots :)

But generally speaking, every software has bugs. And we do have bugs too, believe me. Just not (by far) as many as our competition does. :D

Also, because every software has bugs, you need be looking at how agile and fast the development team is. How fast can it provide hotfixes when you are facing real issue? This is typically can be seen by just looking at release history. If your vendor requires 2-3 years for can really be called a "major" release (significant step forward), then hotfixes will not be very different.

Most technical people at Veeam agree in internal discussions that Veeam releases best quality products comparting to all other software companies they have been to before. With over 15 years working for software vendors, I do agree wholeheartedly with that. Veeam has simply best R&D and (most importantly) QC teams in the world, period.

Now, excuse me but I need to get back to working on the next bugfix release, 5.0.2 :mrgreen:
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