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Veeam CDP and corrupted OS files or DB corruption

Post by brumysk »


I'm going to study if Veeam CDP can be implemented to provide redundancy solution in our company for some critical VM's, which are sometimes hosting an SQL Server. (we already use Veeam B&R to have a backup once per day of our VM's).

But I'm wondering what's happening if my database becomes corrupted, or if there is a corrupted file on my operating system. Does Veeam CDP replicates the corrupted data to the destination VM ?

If yes, what is the benefit to have Veeam CDP compared to Windows Cluster ? I mean, my VM becomes unusable due to a technical issue with some files, then... with CDP, I can't use the replicated one, it will be the same issue. Or did I missed something ?

Thanks for your inputs :)

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Re: Veeam CDP and corrupted OS files or DB corruption

Post by ybarrap2003 »

You can always roll back to a good point in time - see link - ... ml?ver=120
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Re: Veeam CDP and corrupted OS files or DB corruption

Post by PetrM » 1 person likes this post


You can test your replica on schedule by performing Failover and Undo Failover, or by running SureReplica which is supported for CDP starting from 12.1 (build

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