I am having a little bit of trouble with my copy job in that I am keep having the bellow error messages. After a while, when the job does the reties, I can see a success message.
Creating a new copy job and start a synchronization, looks like it does not solves the issue.
Case #05336700
Code: Select all
3/16/2022 10:15:18 AM :: Processing <VM>Error: The network path was not found.
Failed to write data to the file [\\NAS.domain.local\veeam\Offsite Backup Copy\Backup VMs from ESXI\Backup VMs from ESX02D2022-03-16T101503_3249.vib].
Failed to download disk 'VM_1-flat.vmdk'.
Shared memory connection was closed.
Failed to upload disk. Skipped arguments: [VM_1-flat.vmdk];
Agent failed to process method {DataTransfer.SyncDisk}.
Code: Select all
3/16/2022 10:40:26 AM :: Processing VM Error: The network path was not found.
Asynchronous request operation has failed. [readsize = 4202496] [offset = 260064280576]
Failed to restore file from local backup. VFS link: [summary.xml]. Target file: [MemFs://frontend::CDataTransferCommandSet::RestoreText_{d1295ae3-5852-42eb-8bcc-336f1057953c}]. CHMOD mask: [117].
Agent failed to process method {DataTransfer.RestoreText}
Any help will great if you can provide and if you need any other details just let me know.