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Veeam entreprise manager reporting DB problem

Post by andriktr »

Hi all,
I have a problem with veeam reporting DB related to enterprise manager server. Problem started to occur on the same day after the upgrade to Veeam 9.5.
Our SQL servers are hardware so we backup them with MS Data Protection Manager. The problem is that veeam reporting data base started eating my DPM free space because after each incremental backup (occurs every 4 ours) my Veeam reporting data base replica on DPM volume grows up for ~5GB's normally it should be few MB's, because database it's self not growing up so fast. So for example now replicas weight is 120GB when database is only 17GB
Can someone help with this? I'm sure that it's somehow related to veeam upgrade and not DPM because before upgrade everything was OK and I also have huge amount of other DB on the same SQL instance and all of them are OK.
Thank you in advance.
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Re: Veeam entreprise manager reporting DB problem

Post by foggy »

Hi Andrej, what is the support case ID for this issue?
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Re: Veeam entreprise manager reporting DB problem

Post by andriktr »

Not registered yet tried to shoot here first :)
Also noticed that the problem is only with incremental backup type because after full backup my DPM replica used space decreased (not allocated space) to normal size, but I think that it's still not normal that during incremental backup replica grows so fast. Probably something was changed here after upgrade.
Think that as workaround I can change DB recovery mode to simple after this DPM will perform only full backups.
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Re: Veeam entreprise manager reporting DB problem

Post by foggy »

I'd let support take a look at this. There's a chance that some delayed database post-upgrade optimizations generate a lot of changes on disk, however, they should finally complete. Support will be able to verify.
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