My mail server shows log entries every day that the machine running Veeam (known by IP address) is submitting a username to the SMTP server and attempting to login, and this username doesn't exist so the login fails. The log entry shows the username that Veeam is trying to login with and it's the password set for that SMTP server. Veeam is attempting to use the password entered into it for the SMTP server as the username. What is strange though, is following entries in the mail server logs show Veeam then does login successfully after trying the actual username I entered, and email alerts work fine from Veeam. Yet, the following day, and every day after, Veeam always makes at least 1 or 2 attempts to login using the password as the username. This is a security issue because it is sending the password as username, which then gets stored in plaintext in logs. Below is a smtpd log entry from my mail server showing how Veeam attempts to use a password (in parenthesis) as the username when logging in to mail server.
Code: Select all
smtpd (total: 1)
1 Convert login account (c2p0lT2r6ghsy6jHi15dhw6m0zYybU) failed