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Re: Veeam Server DR

Post by Gostev »

Yes, it is normal as all credentials are encrypted with computer-specific encryption key, and the can only be decrypted correctly on the original server. This is done to prevent anyone from being able to decrypt you vCenter/host credentials from Veeam configuration database's copy or backup.
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Full Name: Eric Pruess

Re: Veeam Server DR

Post by epruess »

I thought that might be the case. On another topic. Is it possible to throttle bandwidth for replications?

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Re: Veeam Server DR

Post by Gostev »

Not by the product itself, but most routers today allow for traffic shaping, and this is what most of our customers are using. If you want to discuss this topic further, there are a number of existing threads on traffic throttling approaches, please continue posting in one of them so that we don't hi-jack this thread :D
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Full Name: Larry Walker

Using CBs over a WAN

Post by larry »

Using CBs over a WAN

I use a Veeam server at my DR site, over my 100 MEG WAN, to replicate at the DR site. It uses the vstorage API . I see read other posts but the vstorage API works over a WAN. My WAN has under a 5ms ping.

To setup
Create a encrypted route between your two iscsi isolated networks. I put a network card in the Cisco at each end to keep my iscsi traffic isolated. This setup also allows easy traffic shaping to control bandwidth. Be sure the Veeam server can ping the remote iscsi SAN.
On the ISCSI SAN allow the remote Veeam server to have read only access to the LUNs. On the Veeam server setup the remote iscsi network as if local.

I replicate 612 gb of VMs a night with a rate of about 150 MB/s. So I know the CBs are being used. The real time statistics show change block being used. One VM backs up at 400MB/s so it works.

Backups also work using CBs over a WAN.

This way the DR site knows about all the replica’s roll backs.
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Replica's in DR site

Post by hagepat »


Hi there,

We have physical Veeam Backup & Replication Server v5 on Production site. Our replica's are on ESXi 4.1 host in DR site.
There is no Veeam B&R server in DR site.
What hapens in case I lose production site. How can I bring up the replica's on DR site, to let people work on replica servers?
I can't replicted Veeam B&R server because it's physical. Do I have to install Veeam B&R server in DR site and backup VeeamDB and attach to Veeam B&R in DR site?

Please help
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