Backup & Restore
-Handle the restore of Virtual RDM's correctly
-Skip over reading blank space when doing backups
-Fix the issue where simultaneous backup jobs of highly transactional servers causes backups to fail.
-Removing a server from a Veeam backup job doesn't shrink the backup VBK file appropriately
Explaination: I removed a rather large server from our backup job, and the backup file stayed at 165 GB well past the number of rollbacks to keep. After I blew away the full backup, the next time it created a backup file, it was only 38 GB. In my mind, it should have auto-shrunk to the correct size on it's own.
-Increase speed of both backup and especially restoration.
-Become MS Exchange and MS SQL aware so it can take smarter/faster incrementals.
-Clean up scheduling engine (let me be able to specify exact multiple times per day that I want it to run a job - like windows scheduler)
-Enable me to do a grandfather, father, son rotation without scheduling 3 different jobs and having 3 different huge fulls hanging around.
-Enable the tape engine backup software to send/receive the following commands
1. Resume a Backup Job Schedule
2. Stop the scheduler for a particular backup job
3. See if a Veeam backup job is still in progress.
Other Issues
-The Veeam console acts flaky/crashes when opening it up in multiple sessions or closing it when a job is in progress.
-Veeam Support Logs - Everytime I seem to need the logs because a job failed/hung/whatever, they don't seem to be created in "Support Information" area. It's like they're deleted when the job fails or something.
-Stopping a Veeam job is like trying to stop a freight train. You can ask it to stop, but it's going to keep doing whatever it wants to do.
I hope Veeam takes this as constructive critisism. We obviously still chose to use Veeam over it's competitors, but we customers never focus on what's working right, do we

Gustov, is it possible to get a status on the aforementioned items in the list?
Thank you