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Veeam Zip much slower than backups, proxy mixup maybe?

Post by lando_uk »

We have the main VBR server in AWS EC2, this should only be doing the management, no proxy or repository. We have a local physical repository/proxy next to the vmware that does all the hard work. It works great in normal backups, really fast - but on a VeeamZip even though the job says its using that local proxy for transfer, the EC2 server seems to have high network throughput whilst the Zip job runs - It looks like the transfer is hitting the EC2 and then going back on-site, which it should't be doing. I basically think the proxy stated in the running job task is wrong, and it's actually using the default EC2 server as the proxy.

On the veeam zip job, i cant see anywhere that lets me pick the proxies like you can on the other job configs.
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Re: Veeam Zip much slower than backups, proxy mixup maybe?

Post by lando_uk » 1 person likes this post

OK, maybe i was too quick in posting, so i think ive figured it out, but still useful for other people and maybe Veeam have an opinion?

On the VeeamZip job, instead of choosing a Backup Repository for the Destination, I chose Local or shared folder and chose a folder on the same drive, but not in the repository itself. This must then use SMB from the EC2 server back to the local repository, so the data is going the long way around to get to its final destination.

I prefer the local or shared folder, as my repo is a scale out that goes to S3, and for Veeamzips I dont want those going to object storage. So i guess i need a non-scale-out rep somewhere just for storing old veeam zips.
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